What do you want from a Facelift in Houston, Texas?
The plastic surgeons at The Oaks Plastic Surgery, Dr. Danielle Andry,
and Dr. Nandi Wijay believe
in performing natural-looking facial rejuvenation techniques that gracefully restore your natural beauty, staying away
from techniques that give patients a wind-blown or “frozen face” look. The plastic surgeons at The Oaks Plastic Surgery
use techniques that conceal scars without dramatically changing or creating step-offs in the hairline that are tell-tale
signs of having a facelift. The goal of The Oaks Plastic Surgery is to make your face and neckline look rejuvenated and
refreshed without looking like you’ve been to see a plastic surgeon.
Additionally, the plastic surgeons at The Oaks Plastic Surgery want to achieve the best result possible with each of their patients. Dr. Danielle Andry and Dr. Nandi Wijay believe in treating each patient individually and tailoring your facelift to fit your needs. If you have excess skin or sagging of your neck, this will be included along with your facelift procedure to provide the best result possible. Additionally, if you and your plastic surgeon feel that you could benefit from using your own fat to help restore volume to your cheeks or other areas of your face, this will also be included along with your facelift procedure.
Why do you want a Facelift in Houston, Texas?
If you find yourself using your index finger and thumb to pull up on your face in the mirror, wishing you could just keep your face in
that position, you may be a candidate for a facelift. Patients commonly complain of wrinkles in the face, descent of the cheek tissues,
and fullness along the chin and jawline called jowls. Additionally, patients complain of neck banding, double chin, or “turkey neck”.
A facelift can help turn back the clock and reverse the effects of gravity over the years.