How long should I wait to work out after my breast augmentation?
We get asked this question a lot before and after surgery! We tell all of our patients that they can do very light cardio such as walking at 2 weeks. We then typically give full clearance at about 6 weeks. Each patient is unique and so each experience will be different!
One of the topics we discuss during your consultation is implant placement and if it is best for your anatomy to have your implants placed below or above the muscle. Once you have decided what implant placement is best for you with the guidance of your doctor, it is good to note that there is a slight difference in the after care.
When choosing to go under the muscle, we highly recommend to avoid strenuous chest exercises such as push ups, pull ups, bench presses, etc. Doing these types of exercises cause your muscles to contract. If you do these chest exercises too early after surgery, there is risk of displacing your implants. Usually, with over the muscle implant placement, there is no limitation on chest exercises after the 6 week clearance.
Secondly, how physically active are you now? Implants should not impede you from having an active lifestyle but it is important to communicate to your doctor what your exercise routine is like. This will help with the decision of implant placement.
Most importantly, listen to your body! If at any time when returning to an active routine, your body swells or there are any aches.. stop and give your body rest. Wearing appropriate sport bras will also help support and diminish any soreness and aching.
We can’t wait to see you in the office to go over all these details in person!