Something many people don’t realize before officially planning Breast Augmentation surgery is that a lot of patients experience temporary breast tightness post-operatively. In fact, one of our most frequently asked questions after surgery is when will the tightness go away? It is completely normal for implants to feel high and tight immediately after surgery and we always advise our patients to give their breasts time to adjust to the implants.
About 5-7 days after your surgery is when we usually start preparing you to start your breast massaging. There is a special technique that we help patients learn to help the tissue around their implants soften. Dr. Andry has a great video explaining the technique on our Breast Augmentation page and The Oaks Plastic Surgery YouTube channel in case you need a reminder after our follow-up!
Typically, we push for 6 weeks of massaging. You will experience a significant change to the tightness around week 2. In most patients, implants start to settle around week 3 and can take up to 3 months to settle into their final position.